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    What our Clients are saying

    Dean and Priya helped me work through settling my sister’s estate in another state. It was a stressful time, but each time we met with Dean or Priya, things just worked out for us and the stress level almost evaporated. We feel a lot more like family than clients.

    More like a family than clients


    Dean met with mom YEARS ago and looked over her portfolio and pointed out the kids would owe over $400,000 on inherited accounts. It took a lot of years, but Dean got the entire portfolio set up so none of the beneficiaries owed any tax, and mom paid less than $100K in tax. That is $300,000 in saved taxes! When it comes to taxes, we trust Dean and his team, period.

    $300,000 in saved taxes


    Looking for advice you can trust from a Paducah tax professional?